Music Samples
About MP3 Sales
This site allows you to purchase individual tracks in high-quality MP3 format. Your secure payment is made through PayPal, and you get immediate access to the songs you have purchased.
Note: You can use your credit card for payment; you do not need a PayPal account.
Because there is no middleman involved, 100% of every sale goes directly to the seller. There is also no DRM on the music, so you can play the MP3s anywhere you want and as often as you like. They are ideal for making your own CDs, putting on the iPod, or even re-encoding to other formats.
After you pay for your files, you will be sent an email letting you know where to go to download them, along with your username and password. You will be able to download each file 5 times, so even if you make a mistake in downloading or lose the file someday, you will be able to come back and get it again.
Note that there is a $0.25 processing fee on each transaction (each transaction, not each track), because PayPal charges $0.30 to accept a payment. If you are planning on buying more than one track, buy them all at once rather than individually. That way you will avoid multiple transaction charges.
Thanks, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.