sideswiped head-on – gridlock friday; quixotic in its shortcut/re-run
stepped on 6 times, disillusion cloverleaf(ed) - raking it in slowly…
the deep green, crew cut lawn belies the fissured mainline - percolating upward…
hoarding e(r)(x)otic emotional dramas:
she climbs the narrow staircase, dragging her feet to forestall seeing her vacant eyes-
reflected in the mirrored door
ascent, odious to those fore/aft, hind-sighted around perfect corners
rejected as second to none; wherefore worse astrology prevails for past-life romantics
aggressive globule strategy cites (per)empt(or)y-nest syndrome: mothers as drug mules of choice
celebrating the platitudinous as they are levitated to the throne – a kindness/comfort to those more worthy?
(d)earth(‘s) (en)core-elated (exi)(syn)(a)tonic, liquid centrifusion = hot top carpeted terrain
reaching behind for a water glass, fumbling along the sideboard upon which it rests –
emotional collapse smiles at the prospect of hydration, determined to enter the nether zone with defiance…
imagination untethered, might allow one to ponder the many souls that pass them by each day
turning one’s head is not the same as head turning – the former is away from – the latter toward…
sun-sit on the marble steps until the dollar in your pocket resides in the coffers, entitling you to a clip on button & the choice of Balthus; Miró – both/and>
sub-a-tonic balm offered up in formless waves, soundscaped by streetboppers may-be:
the zenith uncompr(omised)(hended)/unfettered
a genius from Bedford-Stuyvesant – offered the medius, not a warm hand…
overlo(a)(r)d of beauty, m(a)(i)ssive for one life/world – antigen(ius) under stocked to sustain him in this way
art(‘s) heart(h) you are: art_hur(led) – caught by few – rh(a)(y)mes with flames-to go up in…
bandshell banshee free(s) music; bop vivant avant garnered love in life’s death.
cognition reel – 45 second samples of a_war(e)(i)ness sprung forth – in line with denial
lunar tricks, fringe to radius: the loneliest sphere m’funk de-re-struct(ur)ed
a sound like warm ice shards; crystal buccaneers tramp lightly along the cycle - track 1 is a blues
stack of 45(s) caliper revolving clockwise, c(h)ambers a_round – track 2 is a barnburner
are their aims true?