stick figures #6
as with
finalized determination wa(i)t(ch)ing a_wry
single shard of sunlight carrying with(in) it
man(uscripts) shredded then re-assembled
out of order
sensing available droplets pointed toward absorption
an utter(t)rance figure(d)-ration(ally) not speaking…
for no(w) purpose will be (n)(h)eeded
gathered around
recently discovered longings too easily summoned
as though time and natural rhythm ciphered inclusively
spreading grief equally among forgotten penitents
return tr(yst)ip(ping)
re: mor(e)se(or)less, necessity dictates a re(s)po(n)se
though nothing awaits upon a_(r)rival
new (d)alliances, drawn worried lines facing
imp(ish)erious remarks
(c)hastening movements directed co/out-wardly
seized by selfless envy acting methodically
by day, (cl)amorous sub-text: ‘run if nomin(ally)(h)ated’
27,125 days
happy/sad %’s?
in period correct sepiatone
photo fiction erect posturing
the lack of telepathy a blessiing
passion disguised as industr(y)(ious) modest(l)y
assembling a persona(l) vis_age/ion
freely displayed in public
carefully concealed at home
oddly liberated by war -
finally accepted in passing…