boplines #2
costumed in flagrante
maneuvered delicately, armed and red faced
with luck, less monstrous than live-evil
brewed ha-ha strang(e)(led) day’s plan
evincing more than do(g) go(o)d-evoking
festooned in regalia
cantilevered in motion, frightened and deadpanned
as(sass)in dazed off-loads, facing more than collapse
planet in advance of decline - the de-voted,
disenfranchised miss u.s…allotted crusts of bread
redressed indignantly
felled consciousness razed, fill esteem(ed) core ghost riders
specious, sophistic-(n)-ation, death(‘s) in vocation(= snug-guns)
(m)angled views (whose) radar is askance, hidden mews
notes, pale in drones – tap sharp, level (under)tones (pat dry)
former life’s work
disaffected incarnate, re: min(e)d scrap(p)(l)ed re-va (r)nished
light d(el)oused sub-texted/dued /strata/ merged-mind-body
junk-sank-shunned-boxed, of: nature; by: law; at: one’s digression
incept w/o, in withered acceptance finally honed in memory…
surfaced post mayhem
surety doubtful - a tight-fisted ourvre, surfeit of maidens/madness
re:cant_or sing on to logical tenets, any_one(’s) gues(s)(t) may be god
ensnared sans guile, flecked with slivered diamond’s char, back draped
sanguine-less coup, led from within – daze into windowpane’s ac(r)id divertimento
fool(‘s) circle
torn etiquette tightly w)rapped knocked twice, knuckled utterance
under trance it’s systems down, end out-wired shut
forsooth sate(d) voyeur miss tick-tock, time insensitive-seconds from deep rapture
partitions multiply, to rend fringed patchwork – vanquished; taken out; flatte(n)(r)ed
addendum repl(a)y sits centered
spectrums narrow, color p(u)r(o)posed
it feels things, (like) damnation defi(n)es gratuity
sibilant whispers swirl gracefully toward silence
(f)ire swells, expands consequence/de-cadence(ed), step(child) like motion
well-nigh assured fated twists, unfold insecure worr(y)(ied) lines…