stick figures-#5
half as long as divided loyalties
refresh airborne whispered exhortations
once more falling for a rose
lastly a new attempt at madness
fails, lacking a reason for straying
coming to this almost as an aside
in anticipation of any conclusions
first noted by disinterested well wishers
traveling light in anticipation of necessity
walk out – say little
grimace inscrutably
relocate east of the park
catalogue loved ones
feel nothing
and those still reborn
questioning delusions based on
previously sanctioned emotions
carrying on recent traditions
fit into overwrought compartments
interpreted by history as contrafaction
with little to recall moving forward
blood lined thoroughfares
begin & end suddenly, without surprise
turn left – nod yes
sing relentlessly
climb to untold depths
of feelings, press pause
reconfigure compromise
finding things we willed
to stay lost in taut surroundings
circling a town square contrarily
from sunless glare pitched sharply
motions propel recently formed
volitions suppressed beyond statement
surrounded by water evaporating rapidly
ingressed in the face of embargo
falling short of everlasting winsome
backtrack – start to finish
can’t whistle or snap
burrow to the surface, outwardly
re-claim anonymity
house-sit for the itinerant dreamers